Dr Anna Severwright OBE

Dr Anna Severwright OBE

Anna Severwright

Anna is one of the convenors of Social Care Future, a diverse social movement looking to bring positive change to social care. She lives with multiple long-term conditions and disability, bringing her personal experience of receiving both health and social care to her roles. She strongly believes that care should be personalised, focused on what matters to a person, to enable them to live the life they want. Anna also champions co-production, working with people with lived experience, to improve the quality and people’s experiences of services.

Until August 2020 she was the co-chair of the Coalition for Collaborative Care (C4CC), a coalition of 62 national organisations, working together to increase the use of personalised care in health and social care. She is qualified as a doctor (no longer practicing medicine)  She was a commissioner on the DEMOS Renew Normal commission, sits on the National Quality Board of NHSE&I and is a member of the East Midlands Academic Health Sciences Network PPI Senate.


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