Clenton is an Associated Director of the Think Local Act Personal Partnership, a cross-sector leadership partnership focused on driving forward work with personalisation, community-based health and social care. Their unique strength is bringing together people who use services and family carers with central and local government, major providers from the private, third and voluntary sector and other key groups. Clenton is named in Disability News Services’ List of influential disabled people.
Over about twenty years, he has become an expert in accessibility issues working in a variety of sectors and disciplines. He has theoretical knowledge and training combined with personal experience and practical insights. Clenton works as a consultant, auditor, trainer, and coach on inclusion, equality, disability, and related subjects.
As a global majority, disabled persons, neurodivergent, mental health survivor, he is deeply connected with intersecting identities in his advocacy. Passionately engaged in human rights, he contributes to Social Justice efforts, peer workforce developments, and systemic reform, striving to highlight and address the unique challenges within our communities.
If you want to book Clenton contact us HERE