Iggy Patel

Iggy Patel

Iggy Patel

My name is Iggy Patel, I am an Ex investigatory local authority officer and have very good knowledge of Equlities the Care Act and Continuing Health care. I specialise in policy, sec 149 duties, coproduction and case law.

I have written a number of blogs and have created and freely shared training resources with advocacy services/training organisations.

I consider myself very solution focused with smart planning and reviewing. I am creative and highly innovative.


I’m passionate and comfortable speaking about:

  • Drawing on social care
  • Drawing on health care
  • Direct Payments / Personal Budgets
  • Personal Health Budgets
  • Peer support
  • Funding of social care
  • Politics
  • Equality
  • Human rights
  • Wellbeing
  • The United Nations Convention on the Rigts or Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

I’m happy contribute, speak and present:

On-line and in writing (blogs and articles);

I am based in Lincolnshire and happy to travel but with specialist support.

I need good wheelchair access, and may need to stay over as travelling causes tiredness, accommodation would need to be fully accessible with a room for carers.

Get in touch with me HERE