
Coronavirus webinars and other shared information

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

During this difficult time with the Coronavirus (COIVD-19) crisis, In Control have been hosting a series of webinars to help people gather information and support for one another, we have recorded these webinars and that are available to listen to at: You can also find information and templates that have been shared with us.   Relevant Government guidance can be found here:

2020 the year of Be Human!

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

It’s beginning to look like “that time” of year again. For some this is exciting as decorations start going up twinkling & sparkly, some are looking forward to gathering with family others are dreading it. Some are simply looking forward to hibernation & rest, some hate this time of year for all the commercial madness, some dream of warmer weather returning and some feel the very acute pain of missing someone they love very deeply….

Bureaucracy meets person-centred planning

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

When something is good, people are tempted to make it mainstream by pulling it into the bureaucracy instead of leaving it with people & community and supporting it where it should be! This is an articulate response to the reasons why we shouldn’t turn Person centred planning into a bureaucratic protocol of the system… you can read the response to the National Quality Form Person-Centered Planning & Practice Interim Report below. Read the article here

Talking about a Brighter Social Care Future

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

Imagine a world where we all get to live in the place we call home with the people & things that we love, doing what matters to us in communities where we look out for one another.  To change social care we need to change the story about social care #socialcarefuture has published a report ‘Talking about a brighter social care future’ which explores how a sample of campaigning organisations and networks talk about social care…

From standards to better lives

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

Using POET to bring the NICE personal budgets quality standards to life The National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence (NICE) has this month published new guidance for adult social care in the form of ‘People’s experience in adult social care services’. It provides quality standards and recommended data sources for these, including the The Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool (POET) John Waters co-creator of the POET sets out here why it is particularly helpful that NICE have…

Social Care Future gathering

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

An amazing gathering of over 300 people took place in Manchester, coinciding with the National Children and Adult Social Care (NCASC) conference, organised by  the volunteers through the   #socialcarefutureinitiative (see You can ready all about the gathering, download the presentations used and see some of the sessions that were recorded here

Rights of Passage

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

Rights of Passage Lynne Elwell has put her heart and soul into the disability rights and inclusion movements. She has collated a realm of good information and inspiration along the way and we have had the honour and pleasure to record these and create a handbook which can gifted it to people and parents all over the world. As you would expect it is a brilliant valuable resource, a comprehensive dossier of quotes, tools, advice…

What is #socialcarefuture and why is In Control supporting it?

By InControl1650 | August 6, 2020

by Martin Routledge   #socialcarefuture is a voluntarily organised initiative aimed at supporting those wishing to share ideas and information and focus action to bring about major positive change in what is currently called “social care”. Those involved will be citizens, people using public services and their families, workers and professionals, managers and politicians. Our focus will not be primarily on resources, though we know social care and the people that use it have been badly…

Charging for Social Care… a tax on the need for support

By InControl1650 | January 10, 2019

The Independent Living Strategy Group recently carried out a study of local authority charges for social care, exploring in particular whether and to what extent the practice of charging is undermining people’s wellbeing, the primary purpose of social care services as set out in the Care Act 2014. We examined some key features of the way local authorities implement    charges and gathered evidence on the impact of charges on disabled   people. Our study comprised of two parts:…

George’s story

By InControl1650 | October 29, 2018

This story is from the How to be in control DVD. There are 16 stories from people with different levels of support. In each video a person talks about directing their own support and the effect this has had on their lives.

Florence’s story

By InControl1650 | October 29, 2018

This story is from the How to be in control DVD. There are 16 stories from people with different levels of support. In each video a person talks about directing their own support and the effect this has had on their lives.

Bob’s story

By InControl1650 | October 29, 2018

This story is from the How to be in control DVD. There are 16 stories from people with different levels of support. In each video a person talks about directing their own support and the effect this has had on their lives.