Andy McCabe

Andy McCabe

Andy McCabe

My name is Andy McCabe. I have a disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy which has resulted in significant muscle weakness and means I use an electric wheelchair full time. I can’t weight bear at all and have very limited arm and hand movement, meaning I have 24 hours support.

I started receiving Direct Payments in 2009 when I was 19 and then moved to 24/7 Direct Payment paid support in 2014. I had significant problems moving to a functioning 24-hour Direct Payment budget and this resulted in me getting support from a local social care focused charity. I then volunteered there for several years, and I sat on the local “Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board” for a number of years from 2014 onwards.

Due to my experience with the local charity, I was inspired to study Social Work to try and develop my knowledge in this area in a formal way and graduated with a degree in Social Work in 2019. I have given lectures from my perspective, as someone who uses social care to social work students, and continue to do this when I can.

I currently work in a role with the Tribunal service working on cases of disability benefit appeals. I have previously given evidence as a witness at a House of Lord’s inquiry. I have also set up and facilitate a ‘Using the Law’ group, which works to enable people who draw on social care support and those that support people who draw on social care support to navigate the legal complexities of social care and enable them to be empowered by having the knowledge to know and challenge for their rights.

I’m passionate and comfortable speaking about:

  • Drawing on social care
  • Drawing on health care
  • Direct Payments / Personal Budgets
  • Politics

I’m happy contribute, speak and present:

Face to face at events, Be pre-recorded (videoed in advance), in writing, on radio, television or parliamentary;

Happy to travel within 2 hours of the London area, but I’m flexible.

I need good wheelchair access

Get in touch with me HERE