Kate Sibthorp

Kate Sibthorp

Kate is mum to Maddy, a young woman who is learning disabled and autistic. Maddy lives with her parents and Kate manages her direct payments, employing a team of Personal Assistants to support Maddy to live a good life, connected to her local community through volunteering.

Kate worked in local government (public sector housing and learning and development) before retiring early to support Maddy and to do more work in co-production with a range of organisations, with a focus on continuous improvement, self-directed support & personalisation, and strong, supportive communities.

Kate is co-chair of the National Co-Production Advisory Group, which works alongside Think Local Act Personal and was the lived experience lead for Making It Real.

Kate is also a director of Curators of Change, working on a number of projects, but always co-producing and striving to get more people co-producing their local services.

In recent years, Kate has had personal experience of the NHS, supporting her husband through cancer treatment and then being treated herself for abdominal cancer. The NHS has now saved all our lives (Maddy was in intensive care as a baby) and social care continues to enable us to live the best lives we can.


If you want to book Kate contact us HERE