Richard Currie
About me…
I am an experienced disability advisor having worked several years advising, testing and sharing real life experiences with organisations. Compassion and empathy are the values that drive his like and work. Being a differently abled member of society he has a unique insight into the experiences of disabled in our community. He has given comment on disability issues to a range of media outlets on TV radio and written media on discrimination, welfare reform and social care. i work with local and national government to help develop policies and procedures to improve the life chances and self-esteem of disabled people. He has taken leadership roles of a variety of boards and executives.
Having gained an MA (Hons) in Diplomacy Law, Change and a BA(Hons) in International Relationsand Politics i also offers social model peer support to other disabled and non-disabled people. This enables them to gain a greater understanding of disability as a social construct
At the core of my work over the past 10 years has been to ensure that disabled people have equality of opportunity, equality of choice, access to mainstream employment and achieve independence and health and wellbeing. I am recognised as a local expert in disability issues and removing the barriers that enable equality.
I have a particular skill in influencing others to think differently about disability and recognize their responsibility in removing barriers
I’m passionate and comfortable speaking about:
- Drawing on social care
- Drawing on health care
- Personal Health Budgets
- Direct Payments / Personal Budgets
- Children’s services
- Peer Support
- Funding of social care
- Politics
- Strategic Co-porduction
- Equality assurance
- What good looks like
- Inclusive education
I’m happy contribute, speak and present:
Online, face to face at events, be pre-recorded, on radio or television, in writing or parliamentary.
I am based in Manchester but happy to travel.
I need good wheelchair access and taxi to and from the venue, I will need PA support if a long day.
Get in touch with me HERE