Information for adults and older people
If you’re finding it difficult to manage everyday tasks at home, you have a right to ask your council’s adult social services department to assess your support needs
Read how to ask for a care needs assessment and what support services you may receive from your local council if you’re assessed as needing support...
Assessment and care services from your local council
If your assessment identifies that you have social care needs you have a right to a Personal Budget.
If you need support with your health and wellbeing you may be eligible to receive NHS continuing healthcare (NHS funded long-term health and personal care provided outside of hospital)
If your assessment identifies that you have health and well being needs you have a right to a Personal Health Budget
The Care Act 2014 means that from April 2015, your local council has changed the way in which it completes an assessment with a member of the public when deciding whether that person will be eligible for care and support from the council.
The Care Act is mainly for adults in need of care and support, and their adult carers. It outlines the way in which local authorities have responsibilities regarding:
- carrying out carer's assessments and needs assessments
- eligibility decisions
- entitlement to personal budgets
- the control people should enjoy over their support
See more about the Care Act 2014
Read the Care Act key messages