Past events and webinars

You can find Social Care Future events with have taken place HERE


Webinar from 31st March 2021 – Let’s talk about…’Charging for Care and Support’

It was for  people want to know more about the charges for Social Care provision at home. It relates to non-residential care charges (e.g. for people living in their own homes or in supported living).

In this webinar you will hear from people and families’ experiences and from a solicitor who specialises in Human Rights and Civil Liberties Law.  

Our thanks go Katie Clarke, a mum and from Bringing Us Together, Sally Warren from Paradigm, Mitchell Woolf, solicitor practicing in Human Rights and Civil Liberties law for SCOMO, Jon Abrams from Inclusion London and Marilyn Heath, parent from Norfolk.

Webinar from 31st March 2021 - Let's talk about...'Charging for Care and Support'

Links mentioned can be found here:

Charging for Care and Support – Key Messages:

Judicial Review Judgement can be viewed here:

There are also 2 summations that are ‘easy read’

From Jenny Morris here

From Iggy Patel here

Inclusion London’s – Care charging film on youtube  (1) Scrap Social Care Charges – A Tax on Disability – YouTube

Petition on 38 Degrees. (Please sign and share widely) Scrap Social Care Charging | 38 Degrees

Webinar from 21st January 2021 – Let’s talk about…’10 months into the pandemic - how are we doing?’

This webinar was for people to have an open conversation about the longer term effects of living through the pandemic and what might help.

This webinar was for people who wanted to check in and find out how people are doing 10 months into the pandemic, to bring some helpful solutions or identify what would be useful going forward. We hear from speakers Miro Griffths, Donna Pryke and Lisa Watchorn about what issues they have had and what’s working well and not so well. It was also a chance to hear from some of the participants to discuss some common themes and possible solutions.

Webinar from 21st January 2021 - Let's talk about...'10 months into the pandemic - how are we doing?'


Webinar from 20th  January 2021 – Let’s talk about…’PA's COVID Vaccinations and Testing’

This webinar is focused on people who employ Personal Assistants (PA's) and want to gain useful information in regard to COVID testing and vaccination.

There is an overview of the current status by Martin Walker from Think Local Act Personal (TLAP), and direct experience of issues from Katie Clarke and the Bringing Us Together community and from John Evans. Also you can hear a legal and advisory perspective from Rachel Harkin and David Ashley from Mark Bates Ltd.  

The slides to the webinar are available here 

Webinar from 20th January 2021 - Let's talk about...'Personal Assistants (PA's) COVID Vaccinations and Testing'

Links mentioned can be found here:

IGL Support questions and answers (with thanks to David Ashley and Rachel Harkin)

Questions and answers collated from the webinar will be uploaded here soon

Webinar from 14th  October 2020 – Let’s talk about…’Court of Protection and becoming a deputy’

This webinar is focused on Court of protection and becoimng a deputy.

You can apply to become someone’s deputy if they ‘lack mental capacity’ which means that they cannot make a decision for themselves at a time that it needs to be made. This may be to do with their property and financial affairs or their personal welfare.

In this webinar you will hear from people who have deputyship for their loved ones and the process they went through and from a solicitor who specialises in Court of Protection.

Huge thanks to the speakers, Mathieu Culverhouse, partner at Irwin Mitchell who specialises in Court of Protections, human rights, care, health and social community services, Alan Crone who has Court of Protection for his daughter Hannah, Jo Hough who talks about how she is applying for deputyship for her son and Jayne Knight who runs ‘You Know’ supporting families to know their rights and gain information.

The slides to the webinar are available here


Webinar from 8th October 2020 – Let’s talk about…’Planning ahead for decision making’ about Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).

This webinar is focused on planning ahead for decision making and getting a Power of Attorney.

Power of Attorney is a legal document where one person (the donor) gives another person the right to make decisions and act on their behalf in either financial or medical decisions or both. NOTE : You can only set up a Power of Attorney while you still have the ability to weigh up information and make decisions for yourself, known as ‘mental capacity’. If a spouse, relative or friend already has limited mental capacity, but didn’t set up Power of Attorney in advance, it gets more difficult. You need to become a deputy of the Court of Protection to make decisions on their behalf.

Huge thanks to the speakers, Zoe Harris from My Care Matters, Jayne Knight from You Know and Joe Whittaker.

The slides to the webinar are available here and useful links mentioned in the webinar are below:

Webinar from 29th July 2020 – Let’s talk about…’Managing my Direct Payments’

This webinar is focused on how people manage their Direct Payments.

Many people have said they would find it really useful to hear how others manage their Direct Payment and their relationship with the council or CCG and want to connect with others who manage their Direct Payments.  In this webinar you will hear from people who have personal budgets and personal health budgets via a Direct Payment and the different ways they manage their own support.

The speakers in this webinar are:

Miro Griffiths who is recognised for specialising and having a keen interest in disabled people’s empowerment and participation, transitional stages of a disabled persons life, and the independent living debate. He manages his own personal health budget through a direct payment.
Karen Saville keeps living an ordinary life in sometime extra ordinary circumstances. Both her and her husband Gavin have worked in statutory services and now Gavin receives support of a personal health budget via a direct payment.
Monzur Miah & Sue Bott: Monzur Miah has a direct payment and manages this with support from a local organisation and a circle of support. He advocates for disabled rights and retains his independent living. Sue Bott is the chair of Monzur’s circle of support.
Lisa Watchorn – Lisa manages her adult son’s direct payments which previously included an education budget alongside health and social care. She is a valued graduate and speaker of Partners in policymaking and now works for Learning Disability England.

The slides to the webinar are available here

We will add the questions and answers from the webinar soon.

Webinar from 22nd July 2020 – Let’s talk about…’Finding the right people to support me’

This webinar is focused on recruiting/getting personal assistants (PAs).

Many people have said they find it really hard to find and get the right people to support them or their loved ones. In this webinar you will hear from national and local organisations who support people who have personal budgets and personal health budgets in recruiting PAs and you will hear from people and families on how they recruit for themselves and their loved ones and the importance of getting the right people who are “good fit” for the person and their family.

Huge thanks to the speakers, Claire Bickford from Penderels Trust, Chris Morris from Cheshire Centre for Independent Living, Miro Griffiths who manages his own direct payment, Tricia Nicoll who supports her son and daughter through direct payments, Karen Saville who supports her husband with a direct payment and Carol Reeves from Skills for Care

The slides to the webinar are available here

We will add the questions and answers from the webinar soon.

Webinar from 16th July 2020 – Let’s talk about…When the heart stops beating, a frank and fearless conversation

This webinar is focused on conversations about CPR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency first aid procedure used when someone’s heart stops suddenly (cardiac arrest). Chest compressions keep blood circulating to the brain in the hope that the heart can be re-started, which it sometimes can be.

Everyone has the right to refuse CPR if they wish. Sometimes, doctors can advise people that CPR would not be possible for them. These are two reasons why CPR may not be started. If CPR is not to be started, then a ‘do not attempt CPR’ (DNACPR) certificate is needed to advise emergency responders or other first aiders of this.

Speakers include: Dr Kathryn Mannix who was a consultant in palliative medicine for 20 years, working in hospitals, hospices and patients’ own homes in the North East of England, Mathieu Culverhouse a partner at Irwin Mitchell solicitors and Sue Bott the Director of Policy and Development at Disability Rights UK

The slides to the webinar are available here

Useful links:

An advance care planning guidance and template during COVID 19:

With the end in mind, Kathryn Mannix

Webinar from 24th June 2020 – Let’s talk about…Employing PA’s

The webinar is for anyone employing PA’s (Personal Assistants) using their Direct Payments it will be focused on employers and employees for people on Direct Payments via a personal budget or personal health budget. The speakers are Miro Griffiths who employs his own PAs, Carol Reeves from Skills for care and Jug Sahota and Emma Slaven from ACAS.

The slides to the webinar are available here

Useful links:


Questions and answers from the webinar ‘Employing PA’s using direct payments’

Webinar from 28th April 2020 – UK benefits welfare system during the Coronavirus crisis

This webinar is about the recent changes to the UK benefits welfare system, from Universal Credit, Statutory Sick Pay, to Personal Independence Payment and what further help may be available. The webinar also explores the changes to benefit eligibility for new claimants and the protections put in place to safeguard those who are already claiming benefits.

This really useful update is provided by Richard Conway, a Benefits Advisor and Bez Ely a Welfare Benefits Adviser, from the Disability Law Service

ASK CPAG has useful resources on how benefits are affected by coronavirus:

To check which benefits you may be entitled to before you apply, you can use a benefits calculator:

Webinar from 22nd April 2020 – Housing issues in the UK during Coronavirus crisis.

This webinar focuses on housing issues during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The webinar covers possession, homelessness, ASBO’s, disrepair matters and unlawful eviction. It also covers the impact of the Coronavirus on areas of housing and provides some examples of questions people are asking /problems they face and offering some solutions and advice in that regard. Ola Akinyode, a Housing Solicitor and Priya Bahri, a Trainee Solicitor with the Disability Law Service give guidance through this webinar


Webinar from 9th April 2020 –    Staying healthy at home during the Coronavirus crisis.  

This webinar is about staying healthy at home, it coverS information about Coronavirus (COVID-19), the symptoms, risks and what to do as well as the importance of staying in touch, and structuring and planning your days.

Guidance is from Steve Hardy, Practice Development Nurse, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and Matthew Roberts, Postgraduate Occupational Therapy Student, Cardiff University.

Webinar from 1st April 2020 – Employment issues for people with direct payments during the Coronavirus crisis.

This a webinar about employment issues for people with direct payments via a personal budget or personal health budget.

Stephen Robson the senior solicitor for employment and discrimination from Disability Law Service explores the employment related issues during Coronavirus crisis.

The webinar is useful for anyone concerned about employment issues in the current climate.

Questions and answers from the webinar –          1st April 20

The Disability Law Service have kindly provided details of the different areas that they cover which includes: community care, employment, housing and welfare benefits. You can find contact details here: Disability Law Service Overview and Contacts

Webinar from 30th March 2020 –  Accessing Care during the Coronavirus Crisis.

This webinar recording focuses on accessing care during the Coronavirus Crisis. With the onset of new emergency coronavirus legislation, “The Coronavirus Bill 2019-21”. Steve Broach, a barrister at 39 Essex Chambers in London, gives information on this legislation and take questions on how to access care during this time. Steve’s talk is for information only and cannot be relied on for legal advice. If legal advice is needed you may wish to contact a solicitor (some suggestions below).

If you need additional advice you can find a list of Solicitors with expertise in disability and special education needs (SEN) cases here: List of Solicitors

Webinar from 26th March 2020 – Practical tips on contingency pans during COVID-19 for people with Direct Payments. 

In this webinar recording you will hear from people who have started their contingency planning and hope to enable sharing of their tips and ideas. It focuses on those with Direct Payments via a Personal Budget or Personal Health Budget. Miro Griffiths, Andy Walker and Tricia Nicoll share their contingency plans.

Questions and Answers from the webinar 26th March 20

Webinar from 17th March 2020 – Practical tips during COVID-19 for people with Direct Payments

This is the link to a webinar recording where people gathered on line to discuss tactics and practical tips for people & families who have a direct payment through a personal budget or health budget. Listen in to hear Miro Griffith, Will Case, Liz Wilson and Karen Saville who manage their direct payments who shared the protocols they have put in place for themselves and their PA’s.

Tips, notes, contacts, questions and responses from the webinar can be found here: Tips and notes from the Webinar 17th March 20 


Social Care Future  - It's social care Jim, but not as we know it!

A gathering of people who want to build a positive future for what we currently call social care took place on 14th & 15th November 2018.

An amazing gathering of over 300 people took place in Manchester, coinciding with the National Children and Adult Social Care (NCASC) conference, organised by  the volunteers through the #socialcarefuture initiative (see

This is a developing network of people discovering, sharing and building from glimpses of the future. Places, groups and people who, right now are building a future where public services, people and communities are jointly finding better ways to include, serve and support local people. They are making "pieces of the jigsaw" for a positive future including using all local resources, shifting control to people and communities, building non-institutional approaches to support and growing human sized, community led, organisations. They are developing different, more equal relationships between professionals & people supported and promoting professional autonomy and self-management so that workers can have non-controlling, non-bureaucratic relationships with the people they support.  We want to build a future where these things are much more supported by the wider public and politicians because they make sense to people and are seen as relevant to everyone's well-being and success.

  • At the gathering there were active contributors. People came who want to be part of this future and are committed to playing a part in building it by sharing, learning and organising. They included local citizens, professionals, politicians, managers, providers of support, user and family led groups.
  • There were a range of ways helping learning and sharing - what people have done, what difference has it made, what lessons have been learned, what helped, what the next steps are, what would help these happen? As well as structured sessions there were "open-space" sessions responding to people's interests.
  • The gathering was energising and social as well as informative and action-focussed. Below is a link to presentations from the sessions
  • There were opportunities for people with similar interests or energised by things they have heard and discussed, to plan for action after the gathering. #socialcarefuture will offer whatever help it can to support these action groups with links and contacts and communication over the following year. The gathering deliberately ran to coincide with the National Adults and Children's Social Care Conference which took place nearby at the same time. There were good links and some joint sessions and chance to bring together all voices with a stake in the future to find ways of working to make it a reality.

Two days of impacting topics and sessions

The two days were full of opportunities to take part in lots of sessions the full list, details and presentation slides are available below, but some of the sessions included:

Glimpses of the future in the toughest of times - Working with SCIE, Nesta, In Control, Shared Lives Plus and Think Local Act Personal who brought in learning from six localities around the country. These are places were able to share exciting "glimpses of the future" where significant shifts are being made to share power with people and communities, use all local resources and build better approaches to support that are human sized and shaped. Some of the places are under the most severe resource pressures but system leaders, politicians, community and voluntary groups, local citizens shared the pieces of the #socialcarefuture they are putting in place and seeking ideas about new pieces.

Building a social movement - We shared learning from other movements for social change from around the world about how we can act together to make faster change towards the #socialcarefuture.

Closing the Care Act Rhetoric-Reality Gap - There was a practical session of sharing and learning about how people can get the support they need and the lives they want. Including: using the law, getting great staff, choosing how you manage the money, planning for a good life, co-production in action, knowing your rights, effective local tactics and more. Helping build this network of local user and family led organisations, community groups, charity branches and others - networking for mutual support and bringing in useful national expertise and help.

Providers for a better local future - Sharing the best ideas and planning for action about how organisations providing support can be real assets in the communities they serve. Including using their capacity and expertise to support local community groups, assisting small community businesses and more.

Unleashing the power of community enterprise and business - How we can grow human sized and shaped support organisations that add to communities. Alternatives like user -led organisations, co-operatives, mutuals, community business, self-managed teams, micro enterprises. We heard about initiatives that can help make this change happen.

Social work in the #socialcarefuture - We explored the role of social work in our desired future. What should social work do? How do relationships between social work, citizens and communities need to develop? How can we make this future? The Principal Social Workers Network shared ideas and plan with citizens and we heard of examples of how social workers in some places are being liberated…to be social workers.

Researching a better future - What kinds of research can support a positive future? Colleagues from Disability Rights UK working with DRILL (Disability Research on Independent Living) and the School for Social Care Research got together to talk about planning its next five years of work. What should be researched to help build a better future for social care? Who should play what roles?

Shaping a better future with older people who need long term support - The focus was on alternatives to institutional options and more traditional models, including housing options. The session was run in way that allowed older people and others to consider ideas and models and identify appealing options.

Ears against loneliness - We had a fantastic performance from the Jonny Barlow theatre company and students from the Pennine Care Health & wellbeing college. Ears against loneliness is a social movement tackling loneliness and isolation, learning from people's direct experiences. Watch the recording here

Escaping the Invisible Asylum - We experienced the world premier of a new musical theatre piece developed and performed by MiXiT inspired by Alex Fox's recent book and the core themes of #socialcarefuture.

Living Well Alliance A better future for mental health support? - Lambeth shared an example of a new approach they are using to try to build a proper partnerships. The session brought together the partners - people using the support of the Alliance, the support providers, CCG and social care directors to tell the story so far of the Living Well Alliance

A great evening of networking and socialising - There was an evening of food, music, fun and friendship at the end of the first day where we were thoroughly entertained by the talented MIXit folk and a performance from the wonderful Dance Syndrome.

Bringing it All Together - At the end of the second day the two gatherings NCASC18 and #socialcarefuture came together at Manchester Central giving us chance to share our vision for the future and what we plan to do to make it real - and invite the local managers and politicians from around the country to partners with us and, to coin a phrase - Make it Real.

For more information see socialcarefutureevents

An amazing gathering of over 300 people took place in Manchester, coinciding with the National Children and Adult Social Care (NCASC) conference, organised by  the volunteers through the   #socialcarefutureinitiative (see

Available Downloads from the gathering

SCF programme

SCF session detail final


Related Links 

Social Care Future - slides and presentations

Social Care Future - recorded sessions

Social Care Future - ears against loneliness recording

6th and 7th November 2018, Sheffield

From the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received from the last Community of Change residential event in Milton Keynes in April, this event focused  on engaging communities and community capacity building, getting jobs for young people who may have additional needs, personal health budgets for young people in care, an update and input from the DfE and an update on the Personal Outcome Evaluation Tool (POET).

We will also had chance to share knowledge and experience and help each other find solutions to your burning issues, people always tell us this is such valuable time to have!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at: if you have any questions.

Community of Change Residential Event

17th & 18th April 2018, Milton Keynes

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E.Cummings

"When we learn how to work together versus against each other things might start getting better." Alex Elle


This event was focused on young people growing up, co-production with families and personal health budgets for children and young people. There was also lots of opportunity for people to share what they are doing that is working well and get help with the things they are struggling with. We opened the event with 'Growing up and keeping it ordinary, and saw a short film of young people sharing what growing up means to them putting it into perspective! We heard from Georgina Ralphs about her experience of finding a job, looking beyond her disability and seeing the many attributes she has to offer an employer, and we heard from Rita Joshi, a partners graduate who shared her views as a parent and working together positively with services to get the best outcomes for her family.


We looked collectively at what's not working so well and support each other through more tricky issues, notes of what is working well can be downloaded below, if you would like to make contact with anyone from the shared notes please contact

In the afternoon of the first day we heard from Julie Stansfield and Kelly Short with a practical example getting a personal health budget for children and the legislation and guidance around it.

Day two gave us an insight to a 'homegrown' person centred assistive technology system developed by Marcella Cooper, her son Mitchel and one of his PA's. Nicola Gitsham from NHSE provided an update on integrated personal care.

We also had chance during the two days to take part in a choice of workshops topics which were identified from the feedback from the previous Community of Change residential event:

  • Personal Health Budgets
  • Co-production: how to work with, not battle with
  • Making plans for contribution through work and community, aspiring for a better life and future
  • Assessment through to allocation
  • Preparing for adulthood tool

We are working through your feedback to identify key topics and issues for our next Community of Change event on the  6th & 7th November 2018 in Sheffield. Please do email us if you have further thoughts on what you'd like to be included in the next event.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." African proverb

Back to the Future: Building a National Network for Self-Directed Support

11th December 2017

Many like us think it's time to go "back to the future" and bridge the rhetoric-reality gap between policy on people's choice and control and the reality on the ground. On 11th December 2017, the day after the 10th anniversary of Putting People First, we gathered for a network meeting to plan practical steps forward to make it a reality in the New Year. We met to gather support, share ideas, identify roles and contributions, and make real plans to bring about change.

11th december 17

Community of Change Residential: Never underestimate the power of a simple tool

17th & 18th October 2017, Sheffield

'Never underestimate the power of a simple tool.' - Craig Bruce


From the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received from the last event in Milton Keynes in April, many people suggested that they would like sessions around practical use of different tools to utilise in the workplace with teams, with individuals and with life. As such, October's event included two days of workshops on a range of tools for change.


Kath Bromfield began the event by sharing how person-centred planning tools have influenced her work, her family and life. There was a brief overview of the tools being covered during the event, including real life examples. Next Tricia Nicoll, Debbie Buckwell and Charlie Connor shared what has worked with West Sussex Intensive Planning Team. We heard from Andrew Baxter in his new role at the DFE and how the tools can work across the silo's. We also heard from Clenton Farquharson on the power of POET and the use of tools to listen to people. As always, the event focused on producing solutions and making time for people to bring specific issues and an ideas to share & network.


We are working through your feedback to identify key topics and issues for our next Community of Change event on the 17th & 18th April 2018. Topics highlighted so far are: transition, agencies working together and personal health budgets. Please do email us if you have further thoughts on what you'd like to be included in the next event.

Closing the Rhetoric-Reality Gap on Personal Budgets

 19th July 2017, Webinar

Local authorities and providers need to demonstrate the difference that personal budgets are making to people's lives and put in place independent processes to check that outcomes are being met. This webinar explores how POET (the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool) can enable organisations to review their delivery of self-directed support, identify good practice and areas for learning, inform strategic planning and increase local accountability.


It covers:

  • The key findings from the 2017 survey and their implications for successful implementation of the Care Act.
  • Learning from councils who have incorporated the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool into their regular processes - allowing them to use feedback from people using their services to improve future experience.
  • Useful Think Local Act Personal and In Control tools and materials.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or wish to find out more about POET.

Read the 2017 POET Report for Adults in Receipt of Social Care Support.

Closing the Rhetoric-Reality Gap on Personal Budgets

 19th July 2017, Webinar

Local authorities and providers need to demonstrate the difference that personal budgets are making to people's lives and put in place independent processes to check that outcomes are being met. This webinar explores how POET (the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool) can enable organisations to review their delivery of self-directed support, identify good practice and areas for learning, inform strategic planning and increase local accountability.


It covers:

  • The key findings from the 2017 survey and their implications for successful implementation of the Care Act.
  • Learning from councils who have incorporated the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool into their regular processes - allowing them to use feedback from people using their services to improve future experience.
  • Useful Think Local Act Personal and In Control tools and materials.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or wish to find out more about POET.

Read the 2017 POET Report for Adults in Receipt of Social Care Support.

Community of Change Residential: Problem-solving

25th & 26th April 2017

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."  Albert Einstein


The first residential event of the year for members of In Control's Community of Change took place in Milton Keynes.

The first day saw inspirational talks from both Andy Walker, in which he shared his plans to climb Kilimanjaro's base-camp, and Will Case, who talked about his journey so far. In another session we looked at what's working well when working with families, with examples from North Yorkshire and Devon. The day finished by identifying and prioritising the tricky issues to be worked on.


Martin Routledge started day two by sharing about In Control's Network for Self-Directed Support. There were also sessions devoted to solution circles and hot topics, which included: personal health budgets, how to make the most of the POET feedback we've gathered, co-production and community, good person-centred planning and culture change, working with schools, and early intervention.


All of the presentations have been compiled into one PDF, which can be downloaded here.


If you have any questions about Community of Change membership, support, or any other queries, please email us at


Different Conversations

13th April 2016, webinar

This webinar was delivered as part of the NW ADASS Community Resilience Programme and was presented by the Chief Executive of Inclusion North, Sam Clark.

In social care and health settings we are constantly grappling with how we can work differently and think differently about people who come to public services (willingly and otherwise) needing support. With so many new ways of thinking around - asset based community development, strengths based approaches, Local Area Coordination, community capacity, social pedagogy, community resilience - sometimes it's hard for people who work in services, as well as the people and families they support, to work out which approach (aside from humanity and common sense!) they should be using. In this webinar we will take a practical look at what one organisation, Inclusion North, has been learning with its partners.

Inclusion North promote the inclusion of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers. Inclusion North want people with learning disabilities to have good lives, and supports different ways of working that help people to get the lives they want. A lot of Inclusion North's work is in the North East and Yorkshire & Humber, but also works in other areas or with other groups across the country.

National Network for Self Directed Support

20th December 2016, webinar

In our latest webinar Martin Routledge talks about setting up core national support to assist local groups and networks to help develop networks where they don't exist and build strength where they do. Together there is a need to develop and grow a National Network for Self Directed Support.


Please get in touch if you would like to be involved.

Community of Change Residential: Pause for thought… Together we are better

7th & 8th December 2016

At and since our last residential we have asked for feedback on what members wanted from the events. There was an overwhelming response to have facilitation on taking stock and how to work well with families. Consequently, this event was a joint family and worker event to check on what's working well and to highlight some best practice, as well as looking at what's not working so well and why. Our aim was to explore the main issues and topics and then start to work together to resolve them.


Martin Routledge shared his thoughts on how to make national policy work in practice and lessons around implementation. We also heard from parents and young people who shared a range of things that are working well and heard the great results they are achieving by working together. As ever, this event was about producing solutions to the challenges raised and so we had various workshops to discuss ideas for going forward and address any problems.


If you have any questions about Community of Change membership, support, or any other queries, please email us at

Community of Change Residential: Growing Into Independence "The Good, the bad and the ....."

5th & 6th July 2016, Milton Keynes

The agenda focused on supporting young people as they grow into adulthood and support from adult services. We had keynote presentations from Julie Pointer, lead for the Preparing for Adulthood team, local authorities, SCIE, input around employment, friendships and 'Staying Up Late'. Plus, we shared the results of our latest report on the pilot of the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool (POET) for children and young people with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).


If you have any queries about Community of Change membership, support, POET or anything else we may be able to help with, please email:

Me, My Family, My Home, My Friends and My Life, work and learning from Middlesbrough and Leicester

20th & 27th May 2016, webinar

This webinar shares learning and experience of one year of work in six areas to change the support offered to children and young people with complex support needs and complicated home and family lives.


Presented by Tim Keilty, Tricia Nicoll and Nic Crosby. Chaired by Andrew Baxter.


Read the report and find out more about the work here.


Community Capacity Event

12th May 2016

On the 12th May 2016, Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) and In Control  teamed up to deliver a Community Capacity building seminar for the North West Community Resilience with a stellar line up of speakers...


Professor David Morris from UCLAN talked about connected communities.

Paul Richards and Madeline Denny from Gig Buddies talked about the Stay Up Late Campaign and Gig Buddies.

Jim Thomas from Skills for Care talked about community skills development.

Caroline Speirs, TLAP's Building Community Capacity Policy Adviser, and Clenton Farquharson, Co-Chair of the Making it Real TLAP programme, also supported the event.

Download the presentations from the event:

Connected Communities

Gig buddies and Stay Up Late

Skill for Care

Community skills


28th Residential Event: It’s all about Me, My Family, My Home and My Friends

Leeds - March 2016

A great event with lots of focus on whole life thinking, hearing about the work of the DfE funded Me My Family My Home project, work being led by adult services in Wigan to create a new deal with local people, news from NHS England and information about the IPC programme, leadership work, news from the POET survey 2015-16 and input from a great group of young people from Hartlepool.


Great to see so many familiar faces as well as new people, and we're already looking forward to the next Whole Life event (down south this time) on 5th & 6th July.


If you have any queries about membership, support or anything else we may be able to help with, please email:

Social pedagogy is not what you do but how you do it

15th February 2016, webinar

Social pedagogy is not what you do but how you do it. Key to this is a belief that relationships are central to any engagement and intervention with individuals. Notions of well-being, learning and growth based on humanistic values and principles are fundamentally important to how we work. What can we learn from social pedagogy for our work in social care today?

This webinar was presented by Ali Gardner from The University of Central Lancashire and will be useful to those of you thinking about cultural change, thinking about communities and resilience.

Carey Bamber -

Big Problems, Community Solutions

28th January 2016

Community Catalysts CIC are a small group of energetic people who believe passionately in the power of people and community to effect social change. We want people who need care or support to live their lives to be able to get that support in ways, times and places that suit them - a real choice of attractive and sometimes quirky, local options. We help people in local communities to use their gifts, talents and imagination to help other people. Community enterprises and ventures across the areas where we have worked support over 10,000 people and provide 1,720 jobs and 860 volunteering opportunities. We have a network of community ventures called Small Good Stuff:

Making personalisation real is a challenge and in practice, markets are dominated by big, traditional care providers with little real choice available, when well-supported communities can and do run ventures that can provide real choice of personalised services and support. The UK Government is committed to integrating health and social care, but for progress to be made, services need to have a more person-centred approach and investment in 'low-level' community support services is needed. Community driven enterprises and ventures can deliver support shaped round the person, naturally integrating health and social care at the individual level. Top-down initiatives to engage and empower communities sometimes ignore the work already being carried out by local people, rather than nurturing what's there. There is a need to work with existing community structures, building upon and strengthening what is already there and working well.

Use this webinar to learn about unlocking the power of community to tackle strategic challenges around health and well-being.

Carey Bamber -

Angela Catley -

Webinar slides - Big problems community solutions

Good Practice

4th December 2015, webinar

Integrating the workforce, funding and good practice shared by Bradford and Wigan councils.


Andrew Baxter -

Aamar Mahmood -

Andy Mahoney -


Good Practice Webinar slides - 4th December 2015

My Time, My Community - Volunteering and citizenship

18th November 2015

This event took place as part of the In Control and ADASS Northwest programme for personalisation and community resilience, it brought together senior managers of provider and support services, health and social care commissioners, public health staff, social care mangers and practitioners, disabled people's organisation staff, housing and neighbourhood staff and people working in community development or community based projects


The event featured the following session and speakers

  • The policy context for volunteering, volunteering in health and social care and the contribution of disabled people as volunteers - Andrew Tyson, Volunteering Matters
  • Mobilising volunteers - Rachael Loftus - Chief Service Officer, Kirklees MBC
  • Power to change and community business - Kate Stewart, Director of Initial Grants, Power to Change
  • Alliance commissioning - different models for better outcomes - Nick Dixon, Commissioner, Stockport MBC
  • Using participatory budgets to build social and mental capital - Jez Hall, Shared futures CIC

27th Residential event - Whole Life

Our 27th residential held on November 3rd & 4th in Watford brought together local authority adult and children's services, health services, voluntary and community services and Provider services for a whole life approach.

The two-day event was an exciting and challenging event that brought together our long term programme of residential workshops for Children' members with members of our Adult's programme, health services, provider services, young people, our trustees, family members and individuals. The event featured the following sessions and speakers:

  • Discussion around what 'whole life' means to us all
  • From birth onwards... independent living for all - Jamie Bolling, Chief Executive, European Network for Independent Living
  • Inclusive change - lessons from the frontline - Alex Fox, Shared Lives
  • Keeping the person at the centre, Sam Bennett, NHS England
  • Person centred integration... the easy read version 'Me My Family My Home' - Nic Crosby, In Control
  • Supporting great lives - Duncan Tree, Volunteering Matters
  • Co-production in action - Martin Yates and Isaac Samuels, TLAP Co-production group
DSC00685 JB

26th Children's residential - Moving forward

7th & 8th July 2015

Our 26th residential was held on July 7th and 8th 2015 in Leeds.

The two-day event featured the following sessions and speakers:

  • Progress in implementing the SEND Reforms and a new government - National Network for Families and Parents Carers, Sherann Hillman
  • Culture change - what do we really mean? And what will help change the way we support and work with children, young people and families? - Nic Crosby, In Control
  • Integrated Personal Commissioning - what is it?  What's happening around the country?  What might it mean for children and young people? - Trudy Reynolds, NHS England
  • The wealth in our communities, tackling isolation, increasing inclusion - Nic Crosby
  • CSV, young volunteers - Jemma Mindham (CSV)
  • UPDATES - Children's POET, Me My Family My Home and Maximising potential minimising risk
  • My Life My Support My Choice - National Voices and TLAP (Think Local Act Personal)

25th Children's residential - The knotty issues

3rd & 4th March 2015

Our 25th residential 'The knotty issues - removing the barriers' was held on March 3rd and 4th 2015.

The two-day event featured the following sessions and speakers:

  • What's working - disability and SEN responsibilities under the Children and Families Act? Charlie Henry, OFSTED
  • Success, mistakes and the knotty issues - a view from the adult world - John Woods (Care Act team DH, ex-Surrey County Council lead for Self-directed support)
  • What's stopping us then? Charlie Henry, Andrew Baxter (DfE) and John Woods
  • The Children's POET Year 2 - A preview of the findings and new report, the key messages for the government - Andrew Baxter (DfE), Claire Lazarus and John Waters, In Control
  • Moving forward with personal budgets - Nic Crosby, In Control
  • Engaging with Schools, College - Nic Crosby and Nic Gitsham
  • Me My Family My Home - Tim Keilty and Sam Sly

Workshops included:

  • Growing into independence (transition)
  • A new child, young person and family centre culture
  • It's not about more services it's about more inclusion
  • Working Together with the single aim of better outcomes

Download the notes and presentations from the event:


25th residential - The Knotty Issues - Master slides

25th Residential - OFSTED


24th Children's Residential - Time to learn and share

4th & 5th November 2014

Our 24th residential was held on November 4th and 5th 2014.

The two-day event featured the following sessions and speakers:

  • SQW presented their report on personal budgets, the work of the path finders and champions - Graham Thom and Christopher Carr
  • Working together - Martin Routledge, Coalition for collaborative care
  • Phase 2 POET sites - Claire Lazarus and John Waters, In Control
  • Making it Personal launch from KIDS, In Control, OPM and the Family Trust
  • Families and providers in the driving seat - Nic Crosby, In Control
  • Looking ahead - Andrew Baxter, DfE and Zoe Porter, NHS England

Workshops included:

  • Review and learn - Resource allocation - learning and sharing with the early adopters
  • Review and learn - Workforce - creating a person centred culture
  • Review and learn - Commissioning with an outcomes focus
  • Review and learn - Delivering the Local Offer
  • Developing work for the next 3 ½ years, sharing and setting out plans for action
  • It's all about better outcomes
  • Tackling the issues that matter to families and the voluntary sector

Introducing personal budgets for children's services

5th August 2014

This is a recording of a webinar held on August 5th presented by Mott MacDonald, In Control, Wigan Council and the Department for Education.

The webinar includes:

  • An overview of the requirements from September and beyond presented by Andrew Baxter from DfE;
  • Materials to aid implementation and examples presented by Nic Crosby from In Control;
  • A practical example based on Wigan's Personal Budgets journey presented by Michael Chew, Assistant Director for Children's Commissioning from Wigan LA/Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group;
  • 30 minute interactive Q&A chaired by Scott Boyd from Mott MacDonald

Focus on the outcomes not just the numbers

16th July 2014

This webinar was held on July 16th with John Waters and Tim Parkin and outlined how councils are able to use In Control's Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool (POET) for free to check the results of personal budgets and what's working and what's not.

23rd Children's Residential - Every challenge is an opportunity 

1st & 2nd July 2014

The two-day event featured the following sessions and speakers:

  • Miro Griffiths, In Control
  • Building a new future for children and young people, Tricia Nicoll and Nikki Dalgarno
  • Winterbourne and what it will mean for children and young people - Zandrea Stewart, Principle Adviser, Winterbourne Review Programme, Chris Easton, NHS England Personalisation and Children Lead
  • Supporting children and young people with very individual support needs, Clare Gent, Action for Children
  • An overview of progress and learning, Meera Craston SQW
  • Inclusive support, opportunities and the challenge for commissioners
  • POET update, Claire Lazarus and John Waters
  • DfE update, Andrew Baxter, DfE
  • Making it Personal - guidance for commissioners, providers and families

Workshops included:

  • Personal budgets and supporting people with complex and exceptional levels of need
  • Personal budgets and safeguarding
  • Personal budgets and post-16 provision
  • Personal budgets and palliative care
  • Resource allocation
  • Good planning
  • Shared outcomes and joint commissioning
  • Managing personal budgets and direct payments

Download the notes and presentations from the event:

 EHC Poet update

Making it Personal

DfE update

Good planning

Safeguarding and personal budgets

RAS and key issues

Shared outcomes and joint commissioning

Personal budgets and the EHC plan


Building a future together for our children, Nikki Dalgarno & Tricia Nicoll

Nikki Dalgarno and Tricia Nicoll presented at the 23rd Children's Residential 'Every challenge is an opportunity'. Their presentation from the perspective of two mums was dedicated to #107days #justiceforLB. You can watch a recording of the presentation and audio below.

Making the Future Together

30th April 2014

More than 200 people from all walks of life gathered on the 30th April at Making the Future Together in Manchester.

The event, hosted by In Control was an opportunity for people from all areas of the health, social care and education sectors, as well as provider organisations, community groups, and 'experts by experience' to share ideas, plan action and build alliances for a future of inclusion and independent living.

The day was full of energy and lots of ideas on how to take this agenda forward. We have already started work on pulling together all of these and working out the best ways to share these with you to ensure that the energy, passion and commitment captured on the day doesn't end now the event has ended and that we use the day as platform for action and positive change.

Our aim from the day was to give people the space and the time to take stock and re-energise and we're glad to see from the hundreds of tweets from participants that this was achieved.

We will be populating these pages with copies of presentations, a round-up of tweets from the day, photographs and guest blogposts from people attending. Keep an eye on here for the latest uploads and additions.

If you were at the event and would like to share your experience or would like to continue discussions on a particular issue, then please do get in touch with us at

And don't forget that you can keep the conversation going on social media using #makingthefuture14

Download the notes and presentations from the event:


End of the day slideshow