Library of useful information
Useful links for adults and older people

Getting the right care and support for you
This Department of Health leaflet provides a brief overview of the Care Act for recipients.
These factsheets by the Department of Health accompany Part 1 of the Care Act and reflect changes made to the Care Act statutory guidance in March 2016. They also include the duties and powers of local authorities under the Act.
The Care Act changes the way councils, care providers and user organisations work. It changes peoples roles in the delivery of care, and the expectations and duties placed on people. A short introductory video to the Care Act, predominantly aimed at staff, made by Skills For Care.
CPD-accredited training on the Care Act by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, including wellbeing principles and duties of local authorities. Contains valuable information on strength-based and person-centred assessments.
Guide to the Care Act 2014 and the implications for providers
Produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), this guide for providers sets out the implications of the Care Act for them.
Care and Support Statutory Guidance
Produced by the Department of Health, this provides statutory guidance and the legal framework issued under the Care Act 2014.
Produced by the Department of Health, these thirteen fact sheets reflect changes made to the Care Act statutory guidance in March 2016.
Produced by Think Local Act Personal, this professional resource provides useful information about the Care Act 2014.
A response from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Service (ADASS) in relation to information and advice on the Care Act 2014.
Legal guidance on the general responsibilities of local authorities in regards to the Care Act 2014.
What the Care Act 2014 means for social workers
The draft statutory guidance for the Care Act 2014 provides a blueprint for how councils should implement the legislation in April 2015 and how they should deploy social workers and other staff in doing so. Aimed at professionals, this page sets out some of the key provisions for social workers and what the draft guidance has to say about their role.
Social Workers and the Care Act 2014
The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is highlighting a risk of the principles of the Care Act being lost due to patchy training for social workers. This page is aimed at professionals.
One of the few resources on this theme, this report looks at how housing factors play a critical role in determining health, well-being, independence, and interaction with the wider community. The report is aimed at service planners, commissioners and providers to support integrated information and advice solutions that offer joined up help for older people, their families and carers, whilst giving the best possible value to both commissioners and providers across health, housing, and social care.
Information, advice and brokerage
Geared towards implementation and best practice, this information and advice by Think Local Act Personal can help people find ways to meet their support needs and reduce reliance on formal services.
A guide to palliative and end of life care
A guide to the services offered by palliative and end-of-life carers and facilities.
Useful links for children and young people

The young person's guide to the Children and Families Act 2014
Aimed at young people, this guide summarises the key points of the Children and Families Act 2014 in accessible language, including the changes the Act makes.
Children and Families Act 2014
Read the Children and Families Act 2014 in full. An Act to make provision about children, families, and people with special educational needs or disabilities; to make provision about the right to request flexible working; and for connected purposes.
Produced by the Council for Disabled Children, this summary of the Children and Families Act 2014 is aimed at health professionals to highlight and explain the most significant requirements of the new legislation.
Produced by the Council for Disabled Children, this briefing highlights the key reforms in the Children and Families Act 2014 and some of the key issues professionals in health services should be addressing as they prepare for the implementation of the reforms.
The Information, Advice and Support Services Network
The Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASS Network) supports and promotes the work of Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Services across England. IAS Services have a duty to provide information, advice and support to disabled children and young people, and those with SEN, and their parents. They are statutory services which means there has to be one in every local authority.
This publication aims to provide readers with an introduction to the Children and Families Act 2014 and summarises the main issues and principles of relevance to local government within it. It highlights the role of the Local Government Association (LGA) and summarises the implications for local authorities.
Children and Families Act Briefing
Produced by Families Need Fathers (FNF), this guide focuses on the changes to the Children and Families Act regarding family justice court and private family law, and the implications for parents, especially fathers.
SEN and the Law: Education Rights Fact Sheet Series
The Downs Syndrome Association offers a range of fact sheets with specific emphasis on education rights for young people and families, including: Young People over 16 with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), School Transport, Transfer Reviews, and Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments.
A homeowner's guide to sensory processing order
A guide to creating a sensory friendly space for individuals with sensory processing disorders by Uphomes.
Moving House with Special Needs Kids - A Guide for Parents
When moving house with a special needs child, it's important you make the transition as smooth as possible by taking a number of things into consideration before and during the move. This page includes tips to help with the moving process, ensuring that your child's needs are met throughout.
Creating a Home Where Your Child Can Thrive
This page includes tips regarding home modifications for children with disabilities (whether in a wheelchair, visiual impairments or sensory difficulties) to ensure your home is a place where your child is safe, comfortable and thriving.