Category: SCF blogs

January 17, 2019

Written by Jeremy Porteus, Managing Director of the Housing Learning and Improvement Network The tenth anniversary of the publication of Putting People First slipped by as the festive season got underway last month. It was a ‘landmark’ moment that could secure independent living for all adults. It was also supposed to usher in a care system that offered people personal choice and control, alongside active participation in community life. I had the privilege of working in…

January 17, 2019

by Neil Crowther   ‘Understanding means finding a story you already know and saying, ‘Oh yeah, that one.’ Once we have found (the) story, we stop processing.” Roger Schank, Tell Me A Story, 1998 One of mankind’s most incredible recent success stories – vastly increased life expectancy – is now most often described using metaphors of impending catastrophe such as ‘silver Tsunami’ and ‘demographic timebomb.’   More recently, a polarising discourse which pitches old against young…

January 17, 2019

Martin Routledge challenged me to blog about social care as part of a quest to get a range of views from people in the social care field. Follow them on #socialcarefuture. I have so much to say about what is needed for a good social care so for the sake of brevity, I have condensed a wide range of thoughts down into my #socialcarefuture wish list… 1. Money can’t buy you love. I’m going to get this…