Social Care Future On-line Spring Gathering 27th May 2021

We all want to live in the place we call home with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing things that matter to us.

That's the Social Care Future we seek #socialcarefuture


The on-line Spring Gathering on 27th May 2021 saw the launch of the 'Whose Social Care Future is it anyway?' Inquiry group's first findings and lessons from 12 months of sharing the Social Care Future vision. The powerful thing about the inquiry is that it was led by people who draw on social care to lead their lives or people who support loved ones to do so.

They heard from over 500 people and from what people said 5 key changes were identified to bring our vision about

You can see the report and videos about it here



Below you will find the recordings and slides from the sessions that took place throughout the day

Welcome and all about the Spring Gathering - Whose Social Care Future is it Anyway?

Presentation slides for the 'Whose Social Care is it anyway?' session are HERE

Whose Social Care Future is it Anyway?

Can “commissioning” support the social care future vision?

Presentation slides for the 'Can "commissioning" support the social care future vision?' session are HERE

Beyond Shielding - The Valuable Project

Presentation slides for the 'Beyond shielding - The valuable project' session are HERE

Winning public support to transform social care 

Permission, purpose, power

What I want in life is….     

Presentation slides for the 'What I want in life...' session are HERE

Getting direct payments back on track

Presentation slides for the 'Getting direct payments back on track' session are HERE

A workforce fit for the future?

Living a good life of contribution and belonging

Reflections, Actions and Close