More than 200 people from all walks of life gathered yesterday (30th April 2014) at Making the Future Together in Manchester.
The event, hosted by In Control, was an opportunity for people from all areas of the health, social care and education sectors, as well as provider organisations, community groups, and ‘experts by experience’ to share ideas, plan action and build alliances for a future of inclusion and independent living.
The day was full of energy and lots of ideas on how to take this agenda forward. We have already started work on pulling together all of these and working out the best ways to share these with you to ensure that the energy, passion and commitment captured on the day doesn’t end now the event has ended and that we use the day as platform for action and positive change.
Our aim from the day was to give people the space and the time to take stock and re-energise and we’re glad to see from the hundreds of tweets from participants that this was achieved.
We will be populating our Making the Future Together events page with copies of presentations and resources from the day.
If you were at the event and would like to share your experience or would like to continue discussions on a particular issue, then please do get in touch with us at
And don’t forget that you can keep the conversation going on social media using #makingthefuture14