A survey about finding and keeping Personal Assistants
The Local Government Association (LGA) and Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) have facilitated a survey which has been designed by people who use *Personal Assistants (PAs) for people who use PAs. The purpose of the survey is to find out about the challenges faced by people who use PAs since March 2020, particularly in recruiting (finding) and retaining (keeping) PAs.
The survey is aimed at all people who employ PAs, or who are supported by a self-employed PA, and who pay for the PA with a Direct Payment, Personal Budget or Personal Health budget or from their own money.
You can take a look at the questions first if you want to (see below) before completing the survey on line
This is the link to the survey HERE
The closing date is 23rd January 2022
You can download a copy of the questions that you would be asked here: Here
For anyone who would like support to complete the survey, In Control have kindly offered the alternative of a one-hour online discussion meeting on the 5th January to talk through the survey questions, and discuss the challenges people are facing in recruiting and retaining PAs. There are two meetings-people should book a place in advance using the weblinks here:
Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 1.00
Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 6.00pm
If anyone is keen to participate but cant do the survey, or join one of the In Control meetings, Liz Greer (of LGA) and Martin Walker (of TLAP) will be happy to support alternative arrangements to enable participation, so please feel free to drop them a line at liz.greer@local.gov.uk or martin.walker@tlap.org.uk and they will do their very best to help.
*A “Personal Assistant” or “PA” is a person who provides support services but is not provided through a care agency. Private support workers and private care assistants are also types of Personal Assistant.