In Control’s helpline which offers information and advice to individuals, family members and organistions has seen a record number of enquiries these past few months.
People across England, and also on an international level, have been getting in touch asking for help with issues such as lack of flexibility over use of personal budgets, charging policies and disputes, housing issues, use of ‘approved provider’ lists and carers rights to name just a few.
More and more people are finding it difficult to get the information and support they need and to navigate the increasingly complex system.
On average, In Control receives more than 1,500 enquiries each year from people needing information or support and this service is provided for free although we do not receive any funding for this. We also offer a mediation service to help resolve disputes between individuals and organisations.
With the Care Act, there is a duty placed on councils to establish and maintain a service providing information and advice to local people on care and support. There is a huge opportunity here for councils to give people greater knowledge and skills to enable them to plan for better futures for themselves and loved ones. We are currently working with six of the nine Association of Directors of Adult Social Care (ADASS) regions to deliver regional personalisation programmes and will be incorporating work into this programme to help councils with this element of the Care Act amongst others.
Anyone wishing to get in touch with In Control for information or advice can phone the office on: 01564 821 650 or email: