Mums ‘in it together’

Nikki Dalgarno and Tricia Nicoll made a lasting impression with their thought provoking and emotional presentation at the 23rd Children's Residential. Audio and slides from their presentation are now available.

Nikki is a Partners in Policymaking graduate and Tricia is one of In Control's associates. Both are mums and were invited to present at the Children's Residential event this month to share their experiences of the challenges of the system and the resilience needed to keep going.


Participants at the session were in awe of both Nikki and Tricia and as it was such a powerful presentation we wanted to make the slides and audio available to a wider audience. These can be viewed here.


The presentation was dedicated to 'Justice for LB' as part of In Control's adoption of day 104 of the 107 day campaign. You can find out more about why we adopted this day here.