In Control, in partnership with KIDS, the Office for Public Management (OPM), the Family and Childcare Trust and the National Association of Family Information Services (NAFIS) has launched a series of guides on personalisation and personal budgets.
The guides, have been part of the ‘Making it Personal: 2’ programme of work which has been funded by the Department of Health.
The organisations involved have worked alongside a number of local voluntary and statutory providers, groups of parents/carers, disabled children and young people and commissioners to develop these resources.
The work builds on the first Making it Personal project.
The resources will support those affected by the special education needs and disability (SEND) reforms which came into force in September 2014. They aim to provide a greater understanding of the opportunities and challenges resulting from the reforms. The material is also relevant for those who do not have access to a personal budget as they contain important information about Local Offers.
Resources include:
- Guidance for providers on how to become personal budget ready
- Extended guidance for families on personal budgets and direct payments
- Refreshed guidance for commissioners of educaton, health and social care services
- New guidance for Family Information Services to ensure they are equipped to support families identifying the range of services available to them all under one roof
- Brand new case studies illustrating real-life exampes of how the reforms can work positively for all
- A new, free e-learning suite to explain the changes in simple, easy to digest modules
- A new zone on the Knowledge Hub for commissioners to share expertise
All of the above can be accessed on the KIDS website.
A number of supporting workshops will take place nationally between October 2014 and March 2015. Contact for more information
Commenting on the resources, Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson, said: “I’m proud we’ve sponsored these fantastic resources which will complement our SEND reforms. Children, young people and their families will now be at the centre of a more simple, joined-up system that provides the support they deserve. We’re committed to helping families get the best information possible about the new system that will help young people with SEND from birth to 25.”