August 6, 2020

Register of COVID-19 experienceThe ‘Be Human’ movement want to make sure that the response to the Coronavirus crisis does not undermine the human rights of disabled people and people with long-term health conditions or our principles To these ends, we have set up a register to record the experiences of disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, their carers and family members, of getting health, social care services and treatment for Covid-19 during the…

August 6, 2020

NHS England and NHS Improvement, along with its many partners, are committed to ensuring the continued delivery of personalised care.  However, they acknowledge there have been recent examples reported of where people’s wishes and preferences have not always been considered. In response, on 1 April 2020 the British Medical Association (BMA), Care Provider Alliance (CPA), Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) issued a statement emphasising the importance of a personalised care plan….

August 6, 2020

In May, the Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) reached out to over 4,000 families of disabled children to ask how they had been impacted by the lockdown. A report has now published with what they were told by the families which overwhelmingly shows that they felt locked out and abandoned by Government and by society, and are fearful for their own physical and mental health. They told DCP that in 76% of cases, the vital care…

August 6, 2020

This audit is being hosted by In Control on behalf of Martin McMahon and Professor Chris Hatton. Martin and Chris are researchers in the area of intellectual disability who work in Ireland and England. It’s clear that staff who support people with disabilities and who work in social care, in general, are facing increased challenges and stressors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This audit is looking to get a baseline understanding of the ‘current’ wellbeing of staff who…

August 6, 2020

Background As part of an ongoing programme of work to support colleagues across health and social care to maintain and champion personalised approaches to care and treatment, NHS England and NHS Improvement came together last week with a range of leading thinkers from the disabled rights movement, voluntary sector organisations, and specialist clinical directors. The current pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need for everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, to have the opportunity for…

August 6, 2020

During this difficult time with the Coronavirus (COIVD-19) crisis, In Control have been hosting a series of webinars to help people gather information and support for one another, we have recorded these webinars and that are available to listen to at: You can also find information and templates that have been shared with us.   Relevant Government guidance can be found here:

August 6, 2020

It’s beginning to look like “that time” of year again. For some this is exciting as decorations start going up twinkling & sparkly, some are looking forward to gathering with family others are dreading it. Some are simply looking forward to hibernation & rest, some hate this time of year for all the commercial madness, some dream of warmer weather returning and some feel the very acute pain of missing someone they love very deeply….

August 6, 2020

When something is good, people are tempted to make it mainstream by pulling it into the bureaucracy instead of leaving it with people & community and supporting it where it should be! This is an articulate response to the reasons why we shouldn’t turn Person centred planning into a bureaucratic protocol of the system… you can read the response to the National Quality Form Person-Centered Planning & Practice Interim Report below. Read the article here